- Home
- Pediatric surgery
- Hospital services
- Appendectomy in pediatric surgery
- Surgical treatment of ingrown toenail under local anesthesia
- Laser ablation of the pilonidal sinus
- Pilonidal sinus surgery using the open method
- Surgical treatment of phimosis - circumcision under general anesthesia
- Surgical treatment of Hypospadias (depending on the type of Hypospadias)
- Surgical treatment of inguinal hernia
- Operative treatment of bowel intussusception
- Surgical treatment of undescended testicle
- Surgical treatment of testicular torsion
- Surgical treatment of a buried penis
- Operative treatment of umbilical hernia
- Operative treatment of varicoceles
- Removal of moles and atheromas under local anesthesia
- Removal of moles and atheromas under local anesthesia with PH analysis
Future jobs
m2 of space
Hospital beds
Outpatient clinic