Pediatric surgery
The Department of Pediatric Surgery at ASA Hospital provides comprehensive surgical care for children and adolescents. Our expert team uses modern methods and technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of trauma, surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity and other medical problems. We pay special attention to the safety and comfort of our patients, with continuous support for their families throughout the treatment process.
Our staff

Prim. Ass. prof. Emir Milišić, MD, PhD
Pediatric Surgery Specialist
- Outpatient services
Hospital services
- Appendectomy in pediatric surgery
- Surgical treatment of ingrown toenail under local anesthesia
- Laser ablation of the pilonidal sinus
- Pilonidal sinus surgery using the open method
- Surgical treatment of phimosis - circumcision under general anesthesia
- Surgical treatment of Hypospadias (depending on the type of Hypospadias)
- Surgical treatment of inguinal hernia
- Operative treatment of bowel intussusception
- Surgical treatment of undescended testicle
- Surgical treatment of testicular torsion
- Surgical treatment of a buried penis
- Operative treatment of umbilical hernia
- Operative treatment of varicoceles
- Removal of moles and atheromas under local anesthesia
- Removal of moles and atheromas under local anesthesia with PH analysis
Future jobs
m2 of space
Hospital beds
Outpatient clinic